Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Best Friend, Jessica

I have never had such a friend as Jessica! We have been childhood friends for 6 years! It's not just me and Jessica, but also Allie and Mackenzie! We are all best of friends! Allie, Kenzie, and I are all sisters!

I met Jessica through church, her Mom had came over to visit teach my Mom. She brought her 6 year old daughter along to meet the girls that were in this new family, my family. At the time we were trying to find a house to buy, so we lived in apartments for 4 months looking for a new home. I was 7, Allie was 3, and Kenzie was 6 like Jessica. We introduced ourselves as second graders do. Like little children, we ran off like we had known each other for the longest time. We scrambled to my room and sat up on my sister's top bunk. We showed her our very "impressive" collection of barbie dolls and she loved them all. We had showed her some polly pockets and she said hadn't had one! We were surprised! She said she had tons and tons of barbies but no pollys! We kept sharing little things about ourselves and soon she needed to go home. We said our simple good byes and she left.

As I told you before, we were looking for a house somewhere in this area so we could stay in this ward we had already adopted too! It was probably not going to happen but we hoped. We were looking through neighborhoods all around and had some in mind. We were in the neighborhood just across the street from our apartments. I spotted a light blue, 2-story house with beautiful trees right in the front. My Mom called the owners that night and we made an appointment to check out this house! We all liked it a lot though I loved it more than the others, because I chose it. My Mom was not satisfied with it as I was, but after awhile she warmed up to it. We decided after a long period of time that this baby was the one! I was so happy! It was the house I chose, and we got it! We all chose our rooms and started to move in.

The first day we moved in, we were getting all the furniture, beds, clothes, ect. ect. into the house. When to my wonderful surprise, Jessica walked over to our house to where all these men were helping everything out of the moving truck. I spoke up and said, "Hi Jessica! Where'd you come from?" I thought that her Dad was just helping out with the rest of the Preisthood and she had simply came along. She replied, "I live here!". I was in shock and did not believe what I had just heard! I was so anxious to where she lived I said,"Where???". She laughed and pointed to the house right next to mine! I lived next door to the first friend I made here. No way! But I did not know at the time that my family moving next door would create a life's worth of friendships!

This is only the first of plenty of stories that are soon to come about our friendship! But not just stories, posts of what's going on, pictures, videos, and more!


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