Monday, October 5, 2009

She'll Marry in the Temple

Jessica is such a wonderful girl and friend. I am very happy that she is living in Utah where she will surely find a great guy when she's old. I cannot wait to meet this guy in some years! He will have to be approved by me or it will not be acceptable! Just kidding, but seriously Jessica if you ever read this, its not a bad idea. He will be wonderful to her. He will be sweet, funny, sNarcastic, caring, lovable, and of course a RM! If you Mormon girls know what I mean? The best part of this guy I image is he will marry her in the LDS temple of the Lord. I love those words, the Lord's Temple! If any of you have ever heard the primary song "I Love to See the Temple" you know what I mean. Here's the lyrics:

I love to see the temple, I am going there someday;
To feel the holy spirit, to listen and to pray;
For the temple is a house of God, A place of love and beauty;
I'll prepare myself while I am young;
This is my sacred duty;

What powerful words are in that poem or lyrics of that song. I love primary songs about the temple. The temple is my favorite place in the world.

The reason I post about the temple is because I think of my life goal often; which is to marry in the Lord's house or "the temple". I love the feeling of being in such a peaceful place in all of the world. Being married in the temple is not departing at death but to be with your spouse for the eternities or forever. How could you not want that? But not only that but to be sealed to your spouse and all of your children forever. Heavenly Father promises us this if we simply to keep the Lord's commandments. What a precious gift it is to have that reassurance especially when a loved one leaves you.

I love my Father in heaven, and to know that I am sealed to my family. I cannot wait until the day I dress in white and marry my best friend.


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